How do you search the internet...
Search Engines
Internet search sites can search through Web pages, using titles, keywords or text.
The first thing to do is to ask your question the right way, so that you don't end up with too many search results (eg: writing football),with too few (eg: writing Basingstoke United), or not being able to locate the material that you need (writing results for 1999 season against Ebsfleet for Basingstoke United).
Getting Started
Before doing a search, it's important to define your topic as completely as possible. Write down exactly what you're looking for (types of avocado), why you're looking for it (for a recipe), and what you're not looking for (bananas). This will help you to find the best keywords for your search.
Apart from Ask Jeeves, which will take questions (what is matter), most work best if you provide them with several keywords (matter, science, atoms, molecules).
Most users submit 1.5 keywords per search, which is not enough - the recommended maximum is 6 to 8 words,ideally it would be nouns and objects. Avoid verbs. Use (feta cheese) rather than just (cheese)